1925 Mills / Pace Jackpot Front 25 cent, in previously restored condition. Castings are plated with some peeling at the very bottom of the lower casting, not too noticeable. The coin head has some chrome chips around the coin entry, which is normal for a machine with a lot of play. Very nice oak cabinet, original sides with new bottom. New fortune reel strips and award card in mint condition, original back door with new lock, new cash box. Plays very easy.
This machine had a Pace Jackpot bottom casting added at some point. It was common for operators to add this type of casting to the older machines that didn't come originally with a jackpot to compete with the other jackpot machines.
However the jackpot on this machine does not operate, but will pay all other pay outs.
If you would like additional pictures or information on this machine or any of my other items - don' t hesitate to call me at 703-906-8389. I can email pictures and additional info to you right away.